Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Clay pot watering for the garden.

Emily When the water gets rare and you need to save it, or when you just want to go away for a few days and not have to worry about your garden drying out, self-watering techniques are a life-savers!

I find the clay pot watering technique particularly elegant. Bury an unglazed clay pot into your garden soil, fill it with water and plant your herbs and vegetables around it. Water will be sucked into the soil through the porous clay and plants will develop their roots to “wrap” the pot. Very little water will be lost to evaporation!

Sources and more informations :

Monday, July 1, 2013

Introducing the bloggers!

Hello! I am Oliver the rat!
There's nothing I enjoy more in life than the pleasure of a good meal! I'll share recipes and cooking techniques so you can enjoy this simple pleasure as well!

Hi, my name's Emily.
I'm very concerned about finding solutions to today's challenges. I'll be sharing DIY solutions of all sorts, so if you're willing to "go green", stay tuned!

I'm Lily!
I like to draw! I like to color too but I like to draw very much! I'm crafty! Do you like crafts?

Hi! I am Merlin.
When the weather is too bad to play outside, I like to play games. I'll show you all the family friendly games I like here. And other activities too!

 Hi! My name is Patricia, but you can call me Pat.
I’ll take care of answering all our readers and players’ questions. Want to know anything? Get in touch!